Bad Sites - 3 Examples of Bad Websites
Bad site is a website that has been created to serve as an example of what not to do. It includes many common mistakes such as inconsistent navigation, clashing colors, poor use of fonts, text that is too small or too large, misplaced images, underlined links, and a whole lot more. It isn’t a very pleasant experience for people who are visiting this website and it will make them want to turn away in disgust. The designers behind this website deliberately designed it in a way that is intentionally ugly, to show the horrors of outdated design and lame websites.
A website is a great tool for businesses to use in order to keep their customers informed and up to date with the latest news. However, when it comes to creating a website it is important that the design and layout of the site is well thought out in order to provide a user-friendly experience and ensure that visitors are engaged. Unfortunately, not all companies realise the importance of this and as a result, their websites often have bad designs that aren’t very good to look at or easy to navigate.
If you are looking for a good website design company that can help with the creation of your own website, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to discuss your ideas with you and موقع بدي give you our expert opinion on what you can do in order to improve the design of your website.
1. Drudge Report
A popular political website that specialises in conspiracies, this is a website that is very difficult to navigate. Not only is the content overwhelming but the lack of clear navigation makes it extremely difficult to find what you’re looking for. There is also a lot of overlapping information that isn’t very helpful, especially to new visitors.
2. The Simcast Website
A well-known company in the tech industry, this website is a bit of a mess. The site is incredibly cluttered with text and the layout is a bit dated. The website also doesn’t do a very good job of explaining what their product does and how it works. This is a website that could be improved with a clean, modern design.
3. The World’s Worst Website
This is a website that has been made to highlight the most obvious flaws in web design. It’s hard to tell what the website is aiming for and it looks like a word document with different elements of a website pasted on it. It takes a long time to load and it has confusing fonts, overlaid text, incorrect navigation, and even misspelled words. It doesn’t look professional at all and it is definitely not a good example of what not to do when designing your own website.
Using animation on your website is a good idea if you can do it well, but if not then it is probably best to avoid it completely. Nothing says unprofessional more than a website that is full of animations that don’t work properly or at all.
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